“Tricks For Tykes”
Kids of ALL ages like magic and it usually starts at a young age. Terry helps pre-school aged children discover the wonder around them as only a magician can. And they don’t want to just watch, they want to be a part of the magic that is happening. Terry interacts with this age group in a way that teaches lessons about “how to be an audience” and enjoy live entertainment, how to have fun and be polite with others and how to show respect to adults who are “teachers speakers or with similar features”.
Watching children of this age discover Wonder for the first time is an amazing treat. Whether Terry is presenting a seasonal program around Halloween, Christmas or some other Holiday, OR perhaps to reinforce a theme that your school is focused on, the kids are always a BIG part of the show. All of Terry’s programs mention topics of “safety”, “holding hands”, “stranger danger”, “listen up” and “buddies”. Things parents and teachers can talk about until they’re blue in the face, but if “the Magician” says it…. it must be “for real”.
These programs are scripted JUST for this age group and are of a length to keep their attention but not so long the “squirmies” set in (usually 30 minutes). There are colorful props, puppets, music and some real “WOW” magic that happens. This is a great age for kids to discover for the first time, the magic of our world!